
Our Services

Trust the Experience

Township Conversion

Such projects involve the conversion of approved townships into higher density erven to be developed as individual sectional title developments or complexes.

Detailed Layout Designs

Formulation of design layout designs and feasibility studies for development projects.

Urban ecology and environment

This includes studies on urban resilience, urban ecosystems and resource management, climate change and disaster risk management.

Urban Economy

This includes development studies, local economic developments, informal sector development, jobs & livelihoods.

Urban Housing and Basic Services

This includes urban infrastructure and basic services, including energy, transport and mobility, housing, smart cities and informal settlement upgrading programs.

Spatial Developments

This includes urban spatial planning and design, urban land, urban-rural linkages and public spaces.

Urban Frameworks

Physical planning policies, bylaws, urban rules and regulations.

Social Cohesion and Equity

Conduct socio-economic surveys and stakeholder engagement.

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